display Member List

This is the complete list of members for display, including all inherited members.

center_console_window(const int &width, const int &height)display [private]
display(const int &width, const int &height, bool is_console=false)display
DISPLAY_HEIGHTdisplay [static]
DISPLAY_WIDTHdisplay [static]
draw_2d_text(const gsgl::real_t x, const gsgl::real_t y, font *f, const gsgl::string &str)display
draw_3d_text(const math::vector &p, font *f, const gsgl::string &str, const gsgl::real_t x_offset=0, const gsgl::real_t y_offset=0)display
draw_rectangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float s1=0, float t1=0, float s2=1, float t2=1)display [static]
get_aspect_ratio() const display
get_height() const display
get_width() const display
is_consoledisplay [private]
surfacedisplay [private]
text_draw_modelviewdisplay [private]
text_draw_pmdisplay [private]
text_draw_projectiondisplay [private]
text_draw_viewportdisplay [private]
~display()display [virtual]

Generated on Sat Mar 1 13:50:07 2008 for Periapsis Project by  doxygen 1.5.5