heightmap Member List

This is the complete list of members for heightmap, including all inherited members.

dataheightmap [private]
get_height() const heightmap [inline]
get_width() const heightmap [inline]
heightheightmap [private]
heightmap(const gsgl::index_t &width, const gsgl::index_t &height, gsgl::real_t *data=0)heightmap
interpolate(const gsgl::real_t &s, const gsgl::real_t &t, const interpolate_mode mode=INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR, const gsgl::flags_t flags=WRAP_S|WRAP_T)heightmap
INTERPOLATE_BICUBIC enum valueheightmap
INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR enum valueheightmap
interpolate_mode enum nameheightmap
own_pointerheightmap [private]
widthheightmap [private]
WRAP_S enum valueheightmap
WRAP_T enum valueheightmap
~heightmap()heightmap [virtual]

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