node.hpp File Reference

#include "scenegraph/scenegraph.hpp"
#include "scenegraph/context.hpp"
#include "scenegraph/event.hpp"
#include "data/array.hpp"
#include "data/list.hpp"
#include "data/string.hpp"
#include "data/pqueue.hpp"
#include "data/config.hpp"
#include "data/broker.hpp"
#include "math/vector.hpp"
#include "math/transform.hpp"

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namespace  gsgl
namespace  gsgl::scenegraph


class  node
 Base class for nodes in the scene graph. More...
struct  node::pre_draw_rec
 Contains information about the current drawing pass. More...
class  node_relative_path
 Stores the nodes in the scene graph needed to calculate the transform from src's frame to dest's. More...

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